What is 422 HTTP Status Code Entity Error and How to Fix It

422 HTTP Status Code Entity Error: What It Is and How to Fix it

When your website encounters an HTTP 422 status code, it’s signalling an issue with the request sent by the client.

This error code denotes that there was a problem processing the client’s request due to invalid data.

In short, when you see this HTTP status code, something went wrong and it’s time to fix it before your website returns this status again (and again).

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the 422 error, its implications, and effective strategies to address it.

First, let me explain you the error code 422!

Explanation of 422 Status Code

HTTP 422 status code, often referred to as the “Unprocessable Entity” error, can occur due to various reasons:

  1. Requesting a non-existent file.
  2. Typing an incorrect URL.
  3. Attempting to process an entity that’s too large.
  4. Sending an unspecific or incorrect accept header.

These errors are often non-specific, which can make them challenging to resolve without a deeper investigation.

The error itself is unspecific, so you should contact the web host and ask them what might be causing the problem.

The most common reasons for this error are that you’re trying to process an entity that is too large, or you need to provide a more specific accept header.

But if you’ve tried contacting them and still have no idea what could be wrong, then this article is here to make things clear to you.

422 HTTP Response Status Code Definition

HTTP status code 422 is an error code that means server can’t process your request. It’s one of the most common errors reported by web servers.

The most common is that the server is down or there’s a problem with the server (e.g., hardware failure).

However, there could be other reasons as well, such as authentication issues, invalid input submitted by the user, etc.

This can also happen if your request doesn’t meet the minimum requirements for being processed.

If you’re using a programming language like PHP or Ruby on Rails for your application, these will throw an exception when they run into an error code 422 responses from the server during execution time.

Here’s how to fix this problem!

How to Fix The 422 Unprocessable Entity

Primary Causes and Resolutions: Here are some of the most common reasons behind the 422 error and actionable steps to resolve them:

1. Server Issues

Sometimes, the error stems from the server itself.

Actionable Tip: If you lack the technical know-how to address server-related issues, reaching out to your hosting provider is a prudent step.

They can provide insights into server logs and assist in pinpointing the error.

2. Switch Hosting Providers

If your current hosting provider fails to offer satisfactory assistance, it might be time to consider a switch.

Actionable Tip: Research and choose a provider with positive reviews, especially concerning customer support and server uptime.

3. Script Errors

The 422 error can also result from issues within the script running on your website.

Actionable Tip: Consult with seasoned web developers familiar with the platform or language your site uses. They can debug the code and recommend corrections.

4. Uploading Original Script

An outdated or corrupted script can also lead to the 422 error.

Actionable Tip: Ensure that you have backup versions of your website’s scripts. Revert to a version that worked seamlessly.

5. Online Resources

When in doubt, the vast world of the internet can provide potential solutions.

Actionable Tip: Engage in online forums, communities, or search for the specific error message on search engines like Google to get diverse solutions.

FAQs about 422 Status Code

There are two code references for 422 status;


1. Rails HTTP Status Symbol: unprocessable_entity
2. Symfony HTTP Status Constant Response: HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY

There are two methods to fix 422 error code while using WordPress;


1. Run a Repair on Your WordPress Database with phpMyAdmin
2. Examine WordPress Error Logs to Recognize HTTP 422 Code Causes


Or else you can try the below general ways to fix it 422 error.


1. Check your URL (make sure there are no typos)
2. Double sure to check using a different browser or incognito window
3. Clear your cache or cookies

A 4xx status code indicates a client-side error. Because this particular HTTP status code indicates an error with the entity itself, it can also be classified as server-side processing error or client-side error depending on the cause of the problem.


The 422 unprocessable entity status code can represent the request message due to semantic errors, or syntactic and/or semantic constraints on the structure of the message.

For example, if an XML representation of an order cannot be parsed or a JSON document represents some kind of syntax error.

Not knowing what the error is, could result in a lack of understanding of how to fix the problem, leading to higher costs, or worse – losing an entire customer base.

The fix for this error is usually to contact your hosting provider and/or developer for assistance.

Errors like the 422 status code can be daunting for website owners, but with a systematic approach and the right resources, they are surmountable.

Always ensure your content, especially error guides, is clear, actionable, and reliable for your readers.

Author’s Note: This guide is penned by Subhash Kashyap, a seasoned web developer and tech enthusiast with over 10 years in the technical SEO. Visit my blog section to explore more technical guides on other topics.

Subhash Kashyap

Subhash Kashyap

Hi, I'm Subhash Kashyap, an SEO marketing Consultant. Here with my personal website, I used to share insights, strategies and how to guides to help business owners and other marketers like me.
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I’m Subhash, an SEO consultant with more than ten years of content marketing experience. I’ve helped businesses across the world grow their online presence and am looking forward to doing so for you!

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