List of Trustworthy Infographic Submission Sites to Share Infographics

Free Infographic Submission Sites List

Are you searching for tried and tested infographic submission sites? Well, you’re in the right place. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Let’s begin!

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What is Infographic Submission?

Infographic submission strategically shares visually compelling and informative graphics, such as charts or diagrams, on specialized online platforms.

In search engine optimization terms, it’s an SEO offpage practice employed to share graphical representations of information, data, or facts in the form of images.

These hubs serve to showcase and disseminate visual representations to a wider audience, aiming to leverage the utilization of visual storytelling.

The objective is to present complex information in a digestible and engaging format, captivating viewers and promoting social sharing.

Essentially, the process involves submitting carefully crafted infographics to platforms specifically designed to host and promote visual content.

These platforms vary from general content-sharing sites to specialized infographic directories and social media channels dedicated to visual content.

The Significance of Infographics in SEO

Infographics play a crucial role in SEO for several compelling reasons.

Serving as dynamic and engaging visual representations of data, information, or concepts, they effectively convey complex information.

Below is a detailed exploration which clears why infographics are important in SEO:

Visual Appeal and User Engagement:

Infographics capture users’ attention with their visual appeal. In an era of short attention spans, their dynamic nature facilitates quick absorption and understanding of information.

This heightened engagement contributes to longer on-page times, sending positive signals to search engines.

Backlink Generation:

Widely shared, high-quality infographics can generate valuable backlinks when other websites link to them.

For instance, creating an infographic on the latest digital marketing trends that gains traction among industry influencers or gets featured in reputable articles can signal to search engines the authoritative nature of your content.

Content Shareability:

Infographics are highly shareable on social media platforms, enhancing brand visibility and organic reach. Consider a travel agency creating an infographic showcasing top travel destinations for the upcoming year.

Users find it share-worthy, leading to widespread sharing on social media platforms and amplifying the agency’s online presence.

Enhanced Readability and Comprehension:

Infographics simplify complex information into digestible visual elements, improving the overall user experience.

For example, a tech company can use an infographic to explain a complex software architecture, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical audiences.

Diversification of Content:

Including infographics in your content strategy adds variety, which search engines appreciate.

Infographics offer a change from traditional text-based content, contributing to a more engaging and comprehensive online presence.

As an illustration, a fitness blog creating infographics on different exercises for specific muscle groups caters to visual learners.

Let’s explore some best infographic submission sites!

Top 10 Infographic Submission Sites to Use in 2024

Strategically select and engage with these top infographic submission platforms, aligned with your target audience and content style, ensure maximum visibility and impact for your infographics within diverse online communities.


Slideshare.Net - Free Infographic Submission Site

Website -

Domain Authority - 95, an integral part of the LinkedIn family, emerges as a premier platform for sharing presentations, making it an ideal space for infographics.

Recognized for its user-friendly interface and expansive professional network, empowers content creators to reach a broad audience interested in visually compelling and informative materials.

2. Pinterest

Pinterest - The Image Sharing Sites

Website -

Domain Authority - 94

Pinterest, a dynamic visual discovery and bookmarking platform, is widely acknowledged for its emphasis on visual content.

Infographics seamlessly integrate into this platform, where users actively seek and engage with visually appealing and informative content.

The diverse user base on Pinterest allows for extensive exposure across various niches.

3. Flickr

Flickr - A Venerable Infographic-Sharing Platform

Website -

Domain Authority - 92

Flickr, a venerable photo-sharing platform, offers a distinctive space for infographics. Its emphasis on visual storytelling aligns seamlessly with the infographic format.

Content creators leverage Flickr to share creative and captivating infographics, reaching a community with a profound appreciation for visually striking content.

4. Dribbble

Dribbble - A Design-Centric Infographic Platform

Website -

Domain Authority - 92

Dribbble, a design-centric platform serving as a showcase for creative professionals, proves advantageous for graphic designers specializing in infographics.

Submitting work on Dribbble not only provides exposure but also builds collaboration within the design industry through valuable community feedback.

5. Reddit

Reddit - A Dynamic Platform to Share Infographics

Website -

Domain Authority - 92

Reddit, a diverse and dynamic platform comprising numerous communities or subreddits, hosts specific spaces dedicated to sharing infographics.

This targeted approach allows for engaging with diverse audiences, each with unique interests. Submitting infographics to relevant subreddits ensures precise interaction.

6. - A Dedicated Platform for Infographic Submission

Website -

Domain Authority - 86, a dedicated platform explicitly designed for infographics and data visualizations, attracts a community with a keen interest in exploring and sharing high-quality visual content.

Content creators find to be an effective medium for connecting with an audience specifically seeking impactful infographics.

7. Instagram

Instagram (from Facebook)

Website -

Domain Authority - 94

Instagram’s visually-centric platform proves well-suited for sharing infographics. Leveraging features like carousels, stories, and IGTV enhances engagement possibilities.

Infographic creators utilize Instagram to connect with a visually-driven audience, presenting content in an aesthetically pleasing format.

8. LinkedIn

LinkedIn Corporation

Website -

Domain Authority - 99

LinkedIn, a professional networking platform, offers a business-focused environment conducive to sharing infographics.

Ideal for establishing professional expertise, infographics on LinkedIn engage with industry peers and a professional audience keen on visually presented insights and information.

9. Daily Infographic

Daily Infographic

Website -

Domain Authority - 79

Daily Infographic, a niche platform exclusively focused on infographics, guarantees visibility among an audience actively seeking daily doses of visually engaging and informative material.

This targeted approach positions content creators for increased exposure within the infographic community.

10. Cool Infographics

Cool Infographics

Website -

Domain Authority - 60

Cool Infographics, a curated platform featuring visually appealing and innovative infographics, serves as an excellent venue for showcasing unique and well-designed visual content.

Being featured on Cool Infographics exposes content to an audience with a discerning eye for creativity and design.

High DA Infographic Submission Sites

S. No.High DA Infographic Submission WebsitesWebsite DA

Free Infographic Submission Sites

S. No.Free Infographic Submission WebsitesWebsite DA

List of Free SEO Infographic Submission Sites

S. No.SEO Infographic Submission WebsitesWebsite DA

How to Create Infographics?

Creating compelling infographics involves strategically combining visual design with effective storytelling. This step-by-step guide outlines how to craft impactful infographics:

Define Your Objective:

Clearly outline the infographic’s purpose. Are you presenting data, explaining a process, or comparing information? Understanding your goal guides content and design choices.

Identify Your Target Audience:

Tailor the infographic to resonate with your specific audience. Consider their preferences, interests, and the level of detail they require.

Gather Relevant Data:

Collect accurate, up-to-date data supporting your objective. Ensure the information is credible and adds value to your audience.

Choose The Right Infographic Type:

Select an infographic type aligning with your content and goals, such as statistical, informational, process, or comparison infographics.

Create a Visual Hierarchy:

Establish a clear visual hierarchy to guide the viewer. Place crucial information prominently, using size, color, and placement to convey hierarchy.

Design with Consistency:

Maintain a cohesive design theme throughout. Use a consistent color palette, fonts, and graphic elements for a polished, professional look.

Choose Appropriate Fonts and Colors:

Opt for legible fonts that complement your brand or topic. Use a limited color palette enhancing readability and aligning with the mood or message.

Utilize Icons and Graphics:

Incorporate relevant icons and graphics for visual representation. Choose visuals enhancing understanding and adding appeal.

Craft a Compelling Headline:

Create a captivating headline succinctly conveying the main message. Use a font size and style encouraging viewer engagement.

Tell a Story:

Organize content logically, guiding the viewer from start to finish. Infographics should tell a story, facilitating easy comprehension.

Keep It Simple:

Avoid clutter and unnecessary details. Effective infographics present information concisely. Aim for simplicity without sacrificing clarity.

Test and Revise:

Before finalizing, gather feedback from colleagues or target audience members. Use this input to make improvements and ensure effective communication.

Export in High Quality:

When satisfied with your design, export the infographic in a high-resolution format, maintaining clarity and visual appeal when shared or published.

How to Submit Infographics?

Effectively submitting infographics involves a strategic process to maximize their reach and impact. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to submit infographics:

Identify Relevant Platforms:

Research and pinpoint platforms aligning with your infographic’s content to target relevant audience.

These may encompass general content-sharing sites, niche-specific directories, and social media channels emphasizing visual content.

Review Submission Guidelines:

Before submitting, meticulously examine the guidelines of each platform.

Ensure your infographic aligns with specified requirements regarding file format, size, and content relevance. Adhering to guidelines heightens the likelihood of acceptance.

Create a Catchy Description:

Craft a compelling, concise description for your infographic. Clearly communicate its purpose, key takeaways, and any additional context enhancing its value.

A well-crafted description can pique interest and encourage engagement.

Optimize for Search Engines:

Incorporate relevant keywords in your description and title to optimize the infographic for search engines. This enhances discoverability and increases the chances of attracting organic traffic.

Utilize Social Media:

Leverage your social media channels to share the infographic.

Post it on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, providing a link back to the original submission or your website. Social media amplification significantly enhances visibility.

Engage with Influencers:

Identify influencers or thought leaders in your niche and reach out to them. Encourage them to share your infographic, potentially expanding its reach to a larger and more targeted audience.

Email Outreach:

Consider reaching out to relevant websites or blogs in your industry. Send personalized emails introducing your infographic and explaining how it could be valuable to their audience.

Building relationships can lead to featured placements.

Submit to Infographic Directories:

Explore above dedicated infographic directories specializing in visual content. Submitting to these directories increases the chances of your infographic being discovered by individuals actively seeking visual content.

Track Performance:

Monitor the infographic’s performance after submission. Track metrics such as views, shares, and backlinks. Analyzing these metrics provides insights into the effectiveness of your submission strategy.

Repurpose Content:

Consider repurposing your infographic into different formats, such as slide presentations or video content. This allows you to submit your content to additional platforms and broadens its exposure.

Stay Consistent:

Maintain a consistent submission schedule to keep your audience engaged. Regularly sharing infographics ensures continuous visibility and establishes your presence in the visual content landscape.

Explore Paid Promotion:

If your budget allows, consider paid promotion on social media or content discovery platforms. Paid promotion can provide a significant boost in visibility and engagement.

The Key Benefits of Infographic Submission

Infographic submission is integral to a robust digital marketing strategy, offering numerous key benefits. Here, I’m narrating the primary advantages:

1. Enhanced Visibility and Reach

Amplifying content visibility, infographic submission strategically shares visual content on pertinent online platforms. This targeted approach increases the probability of reaching a broader audience.

2. Backlink Generation for SEO

Submissions to reputable platforms yield valuable backlinks, crucial for SEO. These backlinks enhance domain authority, contributing to enhanced search engine rankings and support overall SEO performance.

3. Increased Brand Awareness

Engaging in infographic submission broadens brand exposure. Visually compelling infographics shared across diverse platforms cultivate brand awareness and affirm expertise within the industry or niche.

4. Social Media Amplification

Highly shareable on social media, infographics submitted to these channels encourage amplification through increased likes, shares, and comments. This engagement not only broadens the audience but also signals positively to search engines.

5. Targeted Audience Engagement

Tailoring content to specific platforms and audiences, infographic submission facilitates engagement with a focused audience interested in the presented information.

6. Improved User Experience

Visually appealing infographics simplify complex information, enhancing the overall user experience. Users are encouraged to spend more time on content, contributing to lower bounce rates and increased on-page time.

7. Content Repurposing Opportunities

Infographic submissions create opportunities for content repurposing. Successful infographics can be adapted into various formats such as slide decks, videos, or social media posts, extending content life and reach.

8. Establishing Thought Leadership

Regular submission of high-quality infographics positions a brand as a thought leader. Consistently providing valuable insights creates trust among the audience, reinforcing expertise within the industry.

9. Measurable Performance Metrics

Infographic submission platforms typically provide analytics and performance metrics. Tracking views, shares, and backlinks enables an assessment of submission effectiveness, facilitating data-driven adjustments for future strategies.

10. Diversification of Content Strategy

Adding variety to the overall content strategy, infographic submission caters to diverse audience preferences. This aligns with search engine algorithms that favor a mix of content types.

FAQ(s) about Infographic Submission Sites

A comprehensive infographic integrates key components, each serving a distinct purpose:

Captivating Title: Attractive title will seize attention and communicate the infographic’s themes which enables setting the stage for viewer engagement.

Informative Content: This component articulates data in a clear, concise, and engaging manner, ensuring the audience comprehends the information presented.

Visual Elements: Graphics, charts, and images are employed to enhance understanding, providing a visually appealing context to the data being conveyed.

Branding: Inclusion of a logo and consistent branding elements reinforces the infographic’s association with a specific brand, fostering brand recognition.

Call to Action: The infographic concludes with a call to action, motivating further engagement.

To comprehend the inner workings of infographic submission sites, it is crucial to delve into the behind-the-scenes processes. Typically, these platforms follow a systematic approach that encompasses.

Here are the operational dynamics of infographic submission sites:

1. Registration: Initiate the process by actively creating an account on the submission site.
2. Guidelines: Acquaint yourself with the submission guidelines provided by the platform.
3. Uploading: Navigate through the platform’s prescribed procedure to upload your infographic.
4. Review: Some submission sites implement a review process before publishing the infographic. During this stage, the platform assesses the content’s alignment with guidelines and overall quality, ensuring it meets the platform’s standards.

Effectively optimizing infographics for search engines encompasses specific strategies, which include:

1. Keyword Research: Identify pertinent keywords and actively integrate them into both titles and descriptions.
2. Image Optimization: Optimize images by compressing them to facilitate faster loading times. Additionally, include descriptive alt text for images, contributing to improved accessibility and search engine recognition.
3. Shareability: Actively encourage social sharing to amplify the infographic’s online visibility. Engaging users to share the content on various social platforms contributes to broader exposure and increased reach.

The evolution of infographics unveils a rich history and intriguing details:

Early Origins:

The integration of visual elements to convey information has roots that span centuries. Visual storytelling has been a timeless method of communication.

Digital Revolution:

With the ascent of digital media, infographics witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity. The digital revolution facilitated the creation, distribution, and accessibility of infographics on a global scale.


Infographics exhibit remarkable versatility, finding applications across diverse fields—from journalism to education. Their adaptability underscores their effectiveness as a communication tool in various professional domains.


I hope this guide has clarified the process of infographic submission from start to finish.

In summary, infographic submission strategically disseminates visually compelling content, enhancing its reach and impact. This process allows creators to share insights and messages with a broader audience across the digital landscape.

Subhash Kashyap

Subhash Kashyap

Hi, I'm Subhash Kashyap, an SEO marketing Consultant. Here with my personal website, I used to share insights, strategies and how to guides to help business owners and other marketers like me.
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I’m Subhash, an SEO consultant with more than ten years of content marketing experience. I’ve helped businesses across the world grow their online presence and am looking forward to doing so for you!

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